Fibromyalgia – misdiagnosed, misunderstood, often dismissed, fibromyalgia. Coming out of a long bout of mono, I wasn’t getting better. Actually, I was getting worse. However, the infectious disease specialist proved...
I don’t know anyone who isn’t suffering from some form of pandemic fatigue. That’s just the reality. It would be nice to see one another’s faces, gather in large groups, attend concerts, travel like we used to (without...
Near the end of her life my mother needed IV nutrition. She lived as an ostomate for most of her life and scleroderma (a skin-hardening disease) contributed to her being unable to absorb nutrients in her last couple of years. She was...
A few weeks ago I had the tremendous pleasure of getting out of town for the weekend. My wife and I own a tiny motorhome and because she is able-bodied and willing to do so much of the (literal) heavy-lifting, hauling, and driving, that it...
We are officially now in what some refer to as “the season of giving;” giving thanks, giving gifts, giving of yourself, time, resources. It stands to reason that if there is giving, there must be receiving. As I think about what it...
Because of family traveling in from out of town and the fact that I am especially susceptible to this virus (immune compromised, immunosuppressed, and I have lung disease), I’m refraining from participating in the small gatherings that are...