Unlock the Power of Your Next Doctor Visit: Essential Questions and Strategies

Imagine leaving your doctors' appointments feeling understood, supported, and in control

By signing up you'll learn the tips and techniques for communicating more effectively with your health care providers, turning anxiety into assurance.


Sign up toĀ pre-register for this mini-course.

The first 50Ā participantsĀ get this courseĀ  FREE

Greater Clarity

Bid farewell to confusion and overwhelm. This course provides clear, concise guidance on what to ask your new doctor.

Empowered Decisions

With the right strategies, make informed decisions about your health care, feel empowered before, during, and after every appointment.

Advocate with Confidence

In additions to questions tailored to your needs, you'll learn effective methods for handling each visit to ensure a productive outcome.

Why Learn from Annette?

Personal Experience Meets Professional ExpertiseĀ 

Living with multiple complex chronic illnesses and pain conditions for over a decade, I've navigated the ups and downs of the healthcare system firsthand. My journey hasn't been easy, but it's filled with invaluable lessons that I'm eager to share with you.

Beyond the Illness: Beyond my personal battles, I host the "Chronic Wellness" podcast, a platform where I've connected with countless individuals, sharing stories, strategies, and support. This experience has enriched my understanding of the diverse challenges and triumphs within the chronic illness community.

Expertise That Empowers: My background in training has equipped me with the skills to distill complex information into actionable insights. I've dedicated hours to researching and understanding not just the medical aspects of chronic conditions, but also the communication strategies that foster better patient-doctor relationships.

A Course Crafted from Compassion and Knowledge: This mini-course isn't just a compilation of strategies and questions; it's a distillation of years of lived experience, professional training, and heartfelt empathy. I understand the struggles of feeling unheard and misunderstood by healthcare providers. That's why I've tailored this course to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to advocate for your health effectively.

Be one of the 50 students who gets this mini-course for FREE

Your Journey to Empowered Health Starts Here. Join me as we embark on a journey to transform how you communicate with your healthcare providers. Together, we'll unlock the strategies to ensure your voice is heard, your concerns are addressed, and your health is prioritized. Let's turn your next doctor's visit into a stepping stone towards empowered wellness.